Zoo guidebooks

An alphabetical listing of all known guidebooks published by collections in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and North America.


© - Copyright date as printed in the guidebook

# - A certain date as printed in the guidebook or based on other information

ca. - An estimated date based on guidebook contents or other information

E/M/L - A rough estimate of early, mid or late within a decade


f/c - Front cover

i/f/c - Inside front cover

b/c - Back cover

i/b/c - Inside back cover

c/p - Centre pages

The column headed 'code' allows us to locate copies: for example Paul Murphy is represented by the letter A and the Bartlett Society's own archive is represented by an asterisk.

To open these documents in full screen mode click the arrow icon that appears when you place the cursor over the preview.

United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

Zoo guidebooks - UK and Ireland

North America

Zoo guidebooks - North America